About Us

Our Mission

We pioneer novel technology to enhance compute efficiency, making AI accessible for innovation and to benefit the global community.

We believe honesty builds integrity, honing craftmanship delivers excellence, and collaboration fosters community.

Founders <br />


Our journey began in the esteemed Efficient Computing Systems lab at the University of Toronto, under the leadership of our CEO, Gennady Pekhimenko. Today, the EcoSystems lab stands proudly as one of the world’s foremost authorities in Machine Learning Systems.

Our founding team is made up of experts in AI, ML compilers and ML hardware and has led efforts at companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft Research, Nvidia, Intel, and IBM. United by our common mission, we have come together to accelerate the landscape of AI by tackling the critical issue of limited resources and accessibility. Our journey is not just about innovation; it’s about pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable, so that AI is not hindered by hardware constraints.

Leadership Team

Gennady Pekhimenko
Co-Founder & CEO

Shang Wang
Co-Founder & CTO

Akbar Nurlybayev
Co-Founder & COO

Anand Jayarajan
Co-Founder & Chief Architect

Steven So
Head of Talent Acquisition

Ermek Djumataev
Head of Marketing

John Palazza

Yogesh Ingole
Head of Product

Thomas Kwon
Head of Finance, Operations

Meet Our Advisors

Garth Gibson
Former CEO & President
@ Vector Institute

David Patterson
Distinguished Engineer
@ Google

Misha Bilenko
VP of AI
@ Microsoft Azure

Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Join our Team
to Make Machine Learning

At CentML, we care deeply about fixing inefficiencies in the Machine Learning space that are costing companies a lot of money. At the heart of everything we do at CentML is to help everyone see it, measure it, and address it. Join our team to help us on this journey, which will ultimately help to accelerate breakthroughs around us. View Open Positions