
GPUs vs. TPUs: Choosing the Right Accelerator for Your AI Workloads

Compare TPUs and GPUs and understand their core differences and distinct roles.

Graphic representation of GPUs vs. TPUs

In this guide, we take a closer look at the core differences between TPUs and GPUs, their distinct roles, and how TPU-GPU synergy can supercharge your AI and machine learning (ML) models.

Understanding the Basics: What Are Tensors, TPUs, and GPUs?


A tensor is a multi-dimensional array of numbers that represents data across dimensions like scalars, vectors, and matrices. Tensors are the fundamental data structures used in deep learning models. They allow for operations like matrix multiplication, which is crucial for tasks like training neural networks and running inference. Tensors allow efficient computation across different hardware accelerators, including TPUs and GPUs, by facilitating parallel processing of complex mathematical operations.

Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)

Designed by Google, TPUs are custom-built accelerators that optimize tensor-based operations. These operations are fundamental to deep learning models. Unlike general-purpose GPUs, TPUs are optimized for high throughput of matrix and vector operations, making them ideal for large-scale AI applications. TPUs are exclusively offered by Google Cloud Platform, as their internal IP.

🧑‍💻 How TPUs Work: TPUs efficiently processing large amounts of data in parallel, rapidly executing matrix multiplications and convolutions. They are equipped with systolic arrays, specialized hardware designed for fast and efficient tensor computations. This makes TPUs particularly effective for tasks like training deep neural networks and running inference on pre-trained models.

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Initially developed for rendering images, GPUs have evolved into versatile processors that excel at parallel computing. By breaking down tasks into smaller, simultaneous operations across many cores, GPUs are extremely effective at accelerating AI workloads. This is particularly the case for tasks that require extensive parallel processing, like training complex models and handling large-scale data.

🧑‍💻 How GPUs Work: GPUs process data through multiple cores, executing simple operations in parallel. They excel at matrix multiplications and vector processing, which are essential for deep learning tasks. GPUs retrieve instructions from high-speed VRAM, decode them within streaming multiprocessors (SMs), and execute them in parallel. This makes them indispensable in modern AI computations.

Key Differences: TPU vs. GPU Architectures

TPU Architecture

TPUs are designed to maximize performance for tensor operations, and feature a simplified architecture that reduces the overhead typically associated with more general-purpose processors. TPUs excel in scenarios where massive matrix computations are required, like during training and inference stages of deep learning models.

🧑‍💻 How TPU Components Work Together: TPUs are built around a systolic array architecture, which allows for the efficient execution of matrix multiplications. The data flows through these arrays in a wave-like manner, minimizing latency and maximizing throughput. TPUs also include large amounts of on-chip memory to reduce data transfer times, which further accelerates processing.

GPU Architecture

GPUs are designed for parallel processing, featuring numerous cores within their streaming multiprocessors (SMs). This architecture allows GPUs to handle thousands of threads simultaneously, making them ideal for tasks that require extensive parallelization like deep learning and big data analytics.

🧑‍💻 How GPU Components Work Together: The cores within each SM execute simple operations in parallel, enabling the GPU to process large volumes of data simultaneously. High-speed VRAM and on-chip cache provide the necessary data storage and quick access for computations, while control units manage the flow of instructions, ensuring efficient task distribution among the cores.

Both TPUs and GPUs excel in handling AI and ML workloads. However, their architectures are optimized for different aspects of parallel processing. TPUs prioritize high-throughput tensor operations, while GPUs offer a more general-purpose parallel processing solution.

The Pros & Cons of TPUs and GPUs

TPUs provide specialization, high throughput, and efficiency for deep learning tasks but are less versatile for general computing applications. In contrast, GPUs excel in parallel processing and are capable of handling a wider range of tasks, including those that require extensive data processing and rendering.

TPU Advantages

  • Specialization: TPUs are highly optimized for tensor operations, making them extremely efficient for deep learning tasks.
  • High Throughput: Designed for large-scale AI applications, TPUs can process vast amounts of data quickly, particularly in cloud-based environments.

TPU Limitations

  • Limited Flexibility: TPUs are specialized for AI tasks and may not perform as well as GPUs on more general-purpose parallel workloads.
  • Accessibility: TPUs are primarily available through Google Cloud Provider, which limits accessibility for on-premises deployments.
  • Custom Development Effort: TPUs often require custom development and optimization to fully utilize their capabilities, which can increase the complexity and time needed to deploy AI models on these chips.

GPU Advantages

  • Versatility: GPUs can handle a wide range of parallel tasks, making them suitable for a variety of AI and ML applications.
  • Widespread Availability: GPUs are readily available in both consumer and enterprise environments, offering flexibility in deployment options.

GPU Limitations

  • Cost: High-performance GPUs can be expensive, especially when scaling up for large AI workloads.
  • Power Consumption: GPUs tend to consume more power, which can be a concern in large-scale deployments.

Why GPUs Have the Edge

TPUs are specifically designed for high-throughput tensor operations in deep learning, making them ideal for tasks like training large-scale neural networks. However, their adoption has lagged behind NVIDIA GPUs. This is primarily due to the versatility and maturity of NVIDIA’s software stack. This stack has become the de facto standard in the AI and ML community, particularly within the PyTorch framework. 

NVIDIA GPUs not only excel in deep learning but also in a wide range of parallel processing tasks, including image and video processing, rendering, and scientific computing. Their broad availability across various platforms further cements their dominance, whereas TPUs are limited to Google Cloud Platform. The shift from frameworks like TensorFlow and ONNX to PyTorch has solidified NVIDIA’s position, though emerging tools like JAX, with support from companies like Apple and Google, could influence future trends.

Strategic Deployment

While GPUs offer versatility across a broader range of parallel processing tasks — including AI, rendering, and scientific computing — TPUs are great for tensor-based operations like large-scale deep-learning tasks. 

In addition to TPUs, other systolic array chips like AWS’s Trainium and Inferencia, and Intel’s Gaudi2 offer alternative specialized solutions for optimizing AI workloads. 

By strategically leveraging them all, you’ll be able to significantly boost performance across your AI projects.

Ready to Supercharge Your Deployments? To learn more about how CentML can optimize your AI models, book a demo today.

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